Our Ministries

This is our time to focus on God and our relationship with God. We do this through music, fellowship and biblical teachings.

We focus on God's command in Matthew 28:19-20: "...go and make disciples of all nations..." We do this locally, regionally and internationally.
Children Ministry
The Children's Ministry mission is to train our children in the way of the Lord through engaging Sunday School lessons, an interactive Children's Church, partnering with parents/guardians and engaging our Church congregation with our efforts.

Youth Ministry
The Youth Ministry engages 12-17 year olds by equipping, preparing and encouraging them to live out their faith in Jesus Christ in a fun and nurturing environment.

Journey Ministry
Journey is the college and career ministry of Grover Park Baptist Church. We desire to reach our campus for Christ and help young adults follow Jesus.

Faith Riders Ministry
We exist to share the saving Gospel of Jesus Christ intentionally and unapologetically to all who have yet to accept Him and to build up the body of Christ through worship, fellowship, discipleship and serving.
Women's Ministry
Women helping Women to grow in their faith about Jesus...and have some fun too.

Men's Ministry
The Men’s Ministry of Grover Park strives to follow our Church’s mission “To know Christ and make him known”. We build relationships within the church and throughout the community to further His kingdom. We willingly come alongside other ministries to assist them in glorifying God.

The Pathfinders Ministry provides folks 50 and over with an opportunity for fellowship and ministry alongside other senior christians of the church.