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Thank you for taking the time to view the current staff openings we have. 

Below you will find a job description for each available position.

Senior Pastor

We are currently looking for a full-time senior pastor.



- Believing in accordance with The Baptist Faith and Message 2000, that the Bible has God as its author, salvation as its end, and truth without any mixture of error for its matter, the pastor will preach and teach the Biblical message..


- Living a life conformed to the image of Christ as evidenced by Paul and other New Testament leaders.


- Acts 20:17-35, I Thessalonians 2:10-12, I Timothy 3:2, Titus 1:6, 2:7-8, and Galatians 5:22-23.




- He is primarily responsible to be a teacher of the Word of God, proclaiming the gospel to the whole world (Matthew 28:18-20), and applying Christian principles that God’s purpose may be achieved.


- He is able to give indication of a calling into the gospel ministry.


-The fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23) is to be evident in his daily life as he oversees the church in the areas of Ministry, Communication, Leadership, and Administration.


- The Pastor will provide and oversee Christian care for the congregation by Counseling of and intercession for the Church body by being available to those with spiritual and/or physical needs to offer them encouragement, guidance, and prayer.


- He is also responsible for overseeing the ministry team as they do ministry with and care for the congregation.


- He is to lead the church in observance of ordinances in accordance with church policy.


-(Paul’s letters are often to this nature and indicate how to minister.


He will oversee all communications significant to the mission and ministries of the church by: Teaching Biblical truth, Maintaining doctrinal purity, Communicating the mission of our church.


- To promote our mission, “To Know Christ and Make Him Known.”


- Promoting World Missions.


- Encourages and supports the church’s role in carrying out Matthew 28:18-20 and Acts 1:8.


- The pastor will lead the church in the pursuit of Christ likeness in all things by overseeing the development, implementation, and the assessment of the ministries.


-The pastor shares with other staff members the responsibility of providing spiritual leadership for the church.


-He should follow the definition of a good Shepherd as one that does ministry and takes his people with him.


-He will lead the church and the church staff in performing their tasks without bias or prejudice always encouraging a spirit of cooperation and unity.


- The pastor will work with deacons, church officers, ministry leaders, and committees as they perform their assigned responsibilities and serve as an ex-officio member of the Board of Directors.


- He is to train and lead deacons in the program of family ministries.


-Modeling Christ-like behavior.


- Provide spiritual leadership through growth in personal spiritual discipline and personal evangelism.


- Disciplining unruly believers.


- Correction in the form of admonishing and biblical intervention, and dealing with personal offenses in the four-step process as prescribed in Matthew 18:15-17, I Corinthians 4:14, 15:1-13, Galatians 6:1-2, I Thessalonians 5:12-13.


- The pastor will oversee the ministries of the church as one accountable to God, the deacons, the Personnel Committee, the Board of Directors, and the congregation.


- He will directly supervise the activities of the Minister of Youth and Education, the Minister of Music and Worship, and the Administrative Assistant.


- Chairman of the Ministry Team.


- Work through the decision-making structure of the church (committees, ministry teams, etc.).


- to help them perform their assigned tasks.


- Cooperates with association state and denominational leaders in matters of mutual interest and concern.


- Keeps the church informed of denominational development.


Download a complete job description here.









Please send your resume

Minister of Youth & College

We are looking for a full-time Minister of Youth and College Students. This position includes ministering to middle school, high school and college-aged individuals. Our youth ministry presently consists of Sunday School, Sunday night worship, after school Monday afternoon ministry, Wednesday evening Bible study, and various other events throughout the year (i.e. youth camp and discipleship weekend). Our college ministry presently consists of Sunday School, Monday evening dinner and Bible Study discussion, integrated BSU activities, and other special events.We are a multi-generational, evangelistic church, with a mission “To Know Christ and to Make Him Known”. We are a mission-minded church, supporting local and international missions and have multiple outreach events for our community (i.e. Easter, 4th of July Celebration and Fall Festival). Our church presently has one blended worship service, averaging two hundred people in a new facility. Our education ministry includes a Sunday School time for people of all ages in a broad demographic population. We subscribe to the 2000 Baptist Faith and Message.Warrensburg is a University and military community with a population of about 20,000 people,located forty miles southeast of Kansas City. We have a beautiful community with many opportunities for social, cultural, and recreational activities.


Please send your resume

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